Hi! Coach Jennie here…

I’m so excited you’ve found your way to this About page. Allow me to introduce myself.

My fancy-pants Masters degree in Org Dev from American Univ. taught me how to develop new coaching tools and techniques that I’ve co-created, tested, and validated with more than 500 clients over my 14+ years as a professional coach. 

But what people really know me for is being the coach that will get underneath their excuses and BS to find the potential they’re sitting on, then show them exactly how to take it for a spin so they can truly make the impact they’re meant to in their time on this planet.

Inside this Substack blog, you can expect opportunities for some serious soul searching with laugh-out-loud ridiculousness...because that’s kinda my style.

Thanks for reading Make It Happen with Coach Jennie! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Whether you’re just getting started, you’re slogging through “The Charming Years,” or you’re ready to level-up and launch your own movement, my work is designed to get you there.

The most impatiently ambitious of humans never stop asking questions.

And I’m here for it.

If you’ve got questions or comments or just want to ask about where we are traveling next in our Airstream, drop me a line right here 👇🏻

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We're on a mission to change how you think about productivity, so you can actually accomplish more of what matters to you.


We're on a mission to change how you think about productivity, so you can actually accomplish more of what matters most to you!