Fun fact: This week marks the point in the year when we have 26 weeks behind us and 26 weeks ahead.
And I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell haven’t accomplished all I wanted to by now. (Impatient ambition, y’know?)
I have all sorts of reasons, err, excuses for why that’s so, buuuuut…
You can have excuses, or you can have results, but you can’t have both.
~ original author unknown, but said by every coach everywhere
We could fall down a rabbit hole of beating ourselves up for all the things we shoulda, coulda, woulda done, if we were better people with stronger discipline. But that’s the least productive activity imaginable.
Instead, I recommend we focus on the 26 weeks we have ahead of us.
And this is the part where I’m supposed to start talking about goals because I’m a coach and all, but that’s not where I’m going with this.
I want to talk about rules. Specifically, the new rules we intend to put in place to set ourselves up for success in the second half of 2023.
These rules might be designed to set new boundaries. Or to upgrade standards. Or to change habits. Or to maintain focus. Or be more decisive. We can set temporary rules to make it easier to finish something.
I’ve heard some new rules from some of my coaching clients lately that may inspire some ideas of your own:
Don’t be precious about your writing - just write something and hit publish
Make faster decisions and trust my intuition without all the second guessing
Do at least 5 minutes of yoga before I touch my phone or computer each day
Always be on time for appointments
Don’t book more than two networking calls on any given workweek
Respond to all customer inquiries within 24 hours
Complete at least two Pomodoros (Pomodoro Technique-speak for 25-minute single tasking work sessions) each day on my book
Reserve specific days or times for family and personal hobbies, strictly without work
You get the gist.
Your Turn
What are the new rules you want to put in place that will help you move the needle on the things you want to make happen in the second half of 2023? Share below.
My new rule is to focus on solutions rather than the problem.
Love the rules suggestion - thanks! I think I'm going to borrow a couple from your examples - great way to reframe and keep moving forward