Are you an ambitious professional who is always seeking out new information and courses to improve your skills and knowledge? Have you found yourself stuck in a cycle of constantly buying and consuming infocrack without actually implementing what you learn?
If so, it’s time to step away from the infocrack and start taking action to drive your business forward. While learning is always a good thing, it can be easy to fall into the trap of constantly buying more courses and consuming more information without actually implementing what you’ve learned.
Now, I want to be super clear right off the top: I am in no way saying that these programs and courses are inherently bad. A lot are spectacular, and some, well, not so much. I’m not making any value assessments here. What I want to do is make sure you are not hiding in the busy procrastination of information consumption so I can help you get out there and make things happen.
I often tease my entrepreneurial clients that their infocrack addiction is inadvertently turning them into students of entrepreneurship rather than actual entrepreneurs. Don't let your addiction to infocrack be the reason for your business's failure. Take action and apply the knowledge you've gained because without execution, all that learning is just a waste.
So, how do you break the cycle of infocrack addiction and start taking action? Here are some tips to help you get started:
Inventory your infocrack collection
Take a look at all the courses, e-books, and information products that are sitting in a folder on your computer, collecting digital dust. You may have started these programs but never finished them. How many of them have you actually completed more than a couple of modules? How many have you implemented? If the answer is "not many," it's time to reevaluate your approach.
Consider putting yourself on an infocrack fast until further notice.
Dust off the best one
Instead of buying yet another program on whateverthehell you think you need to learn, look at what brilliance you already have in your back pocket. Open it back up and reflect on what scared you away. If I had to guess, you probably lost interest somewhere between the mindset module and the here's how to get started module. Don't give up - pick it back up and fully commit to implementing their best advice.
Schedule time for implementation
Yes, I know. Learning is super important and all. But honestly, it’s all about putting that stuff into action! Make sure to block off some dedicated and sacred time in your calendar each week to actually put those strategies and tactics you learned from your courses and info products into practice! Treat these calendar appointments as sacred commitments, just as you would treat meetings with others. Respect the time you've allocated for yourself and avoid canceling or postponing (barring any emergencies, obvi).
Focus on the how-tos, not the could-dos
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement (and safety) of new ideas and strategies, but it’s important to focus on the how-tos instead of the could-dos. If you want your next big project to succeed, you gotta do more than just dream up more ideas of things you could do. You gotta get down to the nitty-gritty and figure out how to make those ideas happen. Stop thinking about what could be and start thinking about what you can actually do to make it a reality. That's how you'll get real results that you can see and touch.
Bottom line
Don’t wait for the perfect time to start implementing what you’ve learned. Spoiler alert: the perfect time will never come. Start taking action today, even if it’s just a small step forward. Every step counts.
In conclusion, it’s time to get off the infocrack and start taking action to drive your business forward. While learning is important, it’s not enough to make you a successful entrepreneur. You need to take action and implement what you’ve learned to see real results. By evaluating your infocrack collection, choosing quality over quantity, scheduling time for implementation, focusing on the how-tos, and taking action today, you can break the cycle of infocrack addiction and start seeing real progress in your business.
So, do yourself a favor.
Step away from the infocrack and do something to move forward.
This afternoon.
Like, right now.
Even if you only have 10 minutes.
You’ll thank me later.
If you need help carving out dedicated time for making it happen, I got you. Click the link to learn more about the Make It Happen Method.
Spot on Coach Jennie! I definitely suffered from infocrack early on in starting my own business and one of the best tasks I did, and like your article specifically mentions, was taking an audit of what I already owned, what to keep, what to implement, and what to toss.
It wasn’t by accident or coincidence that when I went on an Infocrack diet in 2022 is when I started to make things happen! Thanks, Coach Jennie!