You know how sometimes the exact thing you need to hear shows up just when you need it? And it's awesome and irritating (because bitching about something is always easier than action) and confirms that maybe there is someone out there nudging me, then pushing me, then screaming OMG why can't you see this? after all.

This was that for me.

"A better battle for me is to no longer let this insecurity stop me from chasing my dreams and seizing bigger opportunities." HOLY CRAP that's brilliant.

Grateful for you and the way you show up.

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Thank you so much, Phyllis! I have to tell you - I've re-read your comment two dozen times as a way to feel more secure about publishing this very vulnerable piece. I'm so glad you felt this way when you read my words. It means more than I can say. <3

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What a great message!

Insecurity isn't your battle to fight; that's some nonsense the world puts on you. I wish Mel Robbins would have emphasized this more: Being afraid to show the world that you're fat and gay is not a problem with you; it's a problem with the world. It's not a matter of self-esteem; it's a matter of oppression. That's not an individual battle to fight. Your perspective here is a really important message for anyone internalizing any kind of oppression and trying to figure out how to "fix" themselves to make it go away.

Always appreciate the opportunity to learn through your personal journey, Jennie.

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YESSSS! "Being afraid to show the world that you're fat and gay is not a problem with you; it's a problem with the world. It's not a matter of self-esteem; it's a matter of oppression." Such an important point!

Thank you, Dana! For being amazing! <3

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What a great message and one that’s never been said to me before. I’ve avoided video like the plague because of my self-consciousness about my looks. But I’ve been thinking about your advice to make 100 bad videos and marrying it to this idea that I can be fat and mostly bald, AND still do 100 videos. Some people won’t like them because of my looks and I’m ok with letting them suffer through it for the sake of those who will vibe with what I have to say!

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